New energy island in Baltic Sea collaboration

Another Baltic Sea island joins the energy island collaboration, which already includes Åland, Gotland, and Bornholm.
Saaremaa, Estonia's largest island, is welcomed into the Baltic Sea collaboration.
Today at the Baltic Energy Island Summit held on Bornholm, Saaremaa's mayor, Mikk Tuisk, signs an addendum to the existing letter of intent.
- I'm really pleased that we're expanding the circle of islands in the collaboration to also include Saaremaa. With Saaremaa on board, we're bringing in more valuable forces to work towards creating the best conditions for local development on the islands, in line with the green transition, says Jacob Trøst, Mayor of Bornholm, in a statement.
Saaremaa's mayor, Mikk Tuisk, is naturally pleased to join the collaboration:
- We need to collaborate across borders when installing electric and hydrogen connections to ensure the interests of the islands and strengthen our countries' security. By joining the Baltic Sea Energy Islands, we in Saaremaa aim to be an active contributor and partner for the benefit of a cleaner Nordic environment and the economic growth of the islands, says Mikk Tuisk.
A bolstered collaboration
The Baltic Sea collaboration is a result of last year's Baltic Energy Island Summit, where the three islands Åland, Gotland, and Bornholm came together.
The collaboration was formally established in January when the three islands signed a joint letter of intent. The declaration entails an agreement for a collective collaboration aimed at preparing the islands for their role as centers for the green transition in the Baltic Sea region.
The inclusion of Saaremaa provides the parties with opportunities to explore additional perspectives on central themes in the collaboration. Moving forward, the islands will focus on supporting the infrastructure necessary for the energy islands in the Baltic Sea, developing models for local involvement, and strategies for local value creation.
Baltic Energy Island - Bornholm's Energy Island business fund
Officially founded in May 2023 as the Baltic Energy Island business fund.
The fund works to make Bornholm the Danish hub for knowledge about and development of green energy, technology, and business development by:
- Developing business opportunities related to the upcoming Energy Island Bornholm with 3 GW of offshore wind power.
Exploring the possibilities for Bornholm as the Baltic Sea's green transport hub - including investigating the possibility of a Bornholm PtX pilot plant.
Continuing the development of Bornholm as a test island, where local, national, and international actors develop future energy technology.
Establishing a Residential College (at Rønne's old Power Plant) for students and researchers from DTU, and other universities and educational institutions.
Establishing a data platform for the collection, storage, and sharing of relevant measurement data.
Behind the center are 20 partners in the form of private companies, public actors, and business clusters, including Ørsted, Siemens Gamesa, CIP Fund, Rønne Port, Bornholm Regional Municipality, DTU, Campus Bornholm, Offshore Center Bornholm, and Beof.
Funded by 27.1 million DKK in start-up capital for the business flagship National Center for Green Energy.
The funds come through Denmark's Business Promotion Board from the EU's REACT funds, "green and digital restart".
Sources: Danish Board of Business Development, National Center for Green Energy and Energy Island Bornholm
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