
Fakta om udbudet

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Indlevering af tilbud

18.10.2017 Kl. 12:00

Danish Environmental Agency

”Procurement procedure for: Support for the finance chapter of the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan. Not to be opened before the expiry of the tender deadline.”



Support for the finance chapter of the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan


Opgavebeskrivelse The Minister of Water and Sanitation Ms Nomvula Mokonyane has initiated the development of a National Water and Sanitation Master Plan (MP). The objective of the MP is to give action to the priorities of the National Development Plan, the National Water Resources Strategy and the relevant UN SDGs. The MP is to serve as an operational implementable plan that takes stock of the current situation, considers the future government plans and commitments and defines specific actions, interventions and deliverables that various government structures responsible for the water sector should achieve, ensuring that the overall government commitments are met. The plan of actions should provide a clear definition of the required interventions, its deliverables, the responsible party, target dates and estimated costs, where applicable.

The masterplan falls in 3 sections and 19 chapters (the presentation in the final draft could be different)

A: Rationale (background, objectives and outcomes)
B: Road map (Interventions and actions)
C: Enablers (governance, facilitation and finance, etc. (there are others)

The objective of the present assignment is to support the development and write up of chapter 10: Finance and funding. The chapter shall clarify and document financial arrangements to support the interventions and actions in the MP in terms of funding models, funding sources, out-of-budget financing and modalities to attract investors such as PPPs and performance based contracting, donor funding, etc. and the necessary governance and regulatory interventions needed to achieve these.

Chapter 10 shall direct how the funding deficit can be bridged considering the current governance structure, tariff scales and legislation, but also considering the proposed changes of the latter list, which are currently under consideration by DWS and additionally give recommendations on other policy and regulation adjustments that would facilitate and promote applicable funding modalities and improved revenue management and collection . The final chapter is expected to be 30 – 40 pages. It is further expected that the zero draft delivery will be before 15th December 2017. Time schedule and deadlines for deliverables will be developed at the inception workshop.

Support for the finance chapter of the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan
Annonceret 29. september 2017 16:00:00 CEST
Deadline 18. oktober 2017 12:00:00 CEST
Udbudstype Mindre danske udbud
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Udbudsform Offentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode 41110000, 66171000, 90721000
Myndighedstype Stat
Skønnet kontraktsum 200 000,00

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmateriale http://mst.dk/service/om-miljoestyrelsen/udbud-og-e-fakturering/aktuelle-udbud/

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

Tildelingskriterier Økonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
Uddybning af tildelingskriterier Please see the evaluation criteria in the tender documents, which are available onhttp://mst.dk/service/om-miljoestyrelsen/udbud-og-e-fakturering/aktuelle-udbud/
Udvælgelseskriterier Please see the selection criteria in the tender documents, which are available onhttp://mst.dk/service/om-miljoestyrelsen/udbud-og-e-fakturering/aktuelle-udbud/


Navn Philip Grinder Pedersen
Telefon +45 22894081
E-mail phgpe@mst.dk


Navn Miljøstyrelsen
Adresse Haraldsgade 53
2100 København Ø
Telefon +45 72544000
E-mail mst@mst.dk
WWW http://www.mst.dk


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